Tuesday, October 19, 2010

American Girl by a Nebraska Boy

It unfolded something like this. As a newly married man, I hear the best thing I can say is "Yes Dear" and in that frame of reference I arrived at this assignment. The idea of shooting dolls all day long wasn't overwhelming at first and really didn't change until I arrived... just being honest.

Our church Glenview Community Church was sponsoring a fundraiser that involved the American Girl Fashion shows. that would help three charities that specialize in helping children in need. Common Threads, Youth Services and By the Hand Club. So check out those links and feel free to help out!!!

Whether it's youth hockey, model rockets, boy scouts or American Girl, every kid has his/her thing and that's what this comes down to. To see the excitement on some of these kids faces being in this environment was a great moment for them. So really it was the proverbial "Win-Win" as the kids there were happy and on the back side the Church was able to raise some good funds to help the kids who are involved with the charities or groups above.

In short it was a two-day, four-show fashion show, lots of volunteers and wonderful youth models. Most of my pics came from the runway. I shot more than 2400 pictures in the two days and edited that down to more than 650 so parents could order prints (I'm giving back to the fundraiser too). So here are a few pics from the event. Thanks for stopping by!


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